
Fired part 3...


Ok, so apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that someone otta be fired. Despite the spin from Microsoft's PR machine, the ad company themselves are admitting that MS has put an indefinite hold on ads-about-nothing. Sounds like someone at Crispin Porter & Bogusky might be a little ticked at the idea; why else would you leak the fact that your multi-million dollar client has pulled the plug on a campaign, when they themselves claim it is all part of the advertising strategy??

While I admit and acknowledge the inherent pro-Apple bias of the following article, some of the points made still hold true: http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/09/18/microsofts_300_million_ad_campaign_tumbles_with_new_pc_ads.html

Points such as:
  • Crispin Porter & Bogusky are featured on Apple's website for their use of Mac Minis because of the need for a reliable platform. Interestingly, since that article was written, YESTERDAY, the profile has been pulled from the Apple website! I wonder who squawked? Apple, MS or CP&B - my money is on MS as they have the most to lose...
  • "The problem of course is that Apple presents the Mac in contrast to PC because it wants to avoid any unnecessary mention of Windows. By copying Apple's line, Microsoft will be spending millions to advertise the PC rather than the Windows brand."
    Though "PC" is used interchangeably with "Windows Machine" in the vernacular, PC is a generic term for pretty much any Personal Computer that doesn't run Apple OS (and, arguably, even for those that do - the personal computer I'm writing this on happens to be an iMac...). While it's one thing for Apple to take shots at the ubiquitous "PC" running Vista and compare it to a Mac, thus highlighting the uniqueness of the Apple experience -- which I think is more the line of reasoning in the ads than an avoidance of mentioning Windows -- it is quite another for Microsoft to assume that "I'm a PC" means "MS Windows." It is akin to Kleenex running an ad that refers only to "facial tissues" and NEVER refers to their own brand. Hubris or folly? Only time will tell.
  • "It's somewhat ironic that Microsoft's upper management, after hiring Crispin Porter + Bogusky to inject some new life in the the (sic) company's brand, hastily decided to yank the ads before they had a chance to go anywhere."
    Not only do I completely agree with the above statement, the fact that the next 5 or 6 sentences in the article state pretty much exactly what I said on September 12 only goes to prove the brilliance of Prince McLean. :)
"I've been saying it for years!"


Proverbs 25:2

I picked a crocus
Through a barb-wire fence
... a scratch
... a velvety flower
Dorothy Scott Shackleton (nee Campbell)
Sept. 18, 1916 - Sept. 14, 2008


Otta get fired, redux...

Ok - so this one is a little better; I actually chuckled a couple of times, and the ad's content sort of connects with the concept (get it - connects - ha ha).

But it still seems to communicate to me that Microsoft (Gates and, by association, Seinfeld) have to work hard to connect with real people, don't do that very effectively, and have set their sights on unrealistic goals (i.e. goldfish with email and an amobea with a website). It tells me nothing about what Microsoft does or doesn't do, why I should buy Windows instead of their competition (read Apple computers) or even what product(s) Microsoft is trying to sell. It seems to be aimed strictly at brand recognition and customer loyalty: "we're clever enough, cool enough and rich enough to hire Jerry Seinfeld, so stay with us and don't believe all of those things Apple (or anyone else) is saying about Vista."

I don't know; it's still not working for me... now maybe Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest arguing about how good Vista is (Cowell: "It's like a really bad Kareeokee performance on a cruise ship!"; Seacrest: "How can you say that? That doesn't even make any sense!"; voiceover: "Windows Vista - not as bad as you think!")
Has more appeal to me than the current campaign. But remember - you heard the idea here first!


Somebody otta get fired!

The title of this post links to a video (I wasn't able to embed it); watch it and then read - it's the only way this little rant will make any sense!

What a waste of an advertising budget! Reportedly a $300 million campaign, with Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates, and this is the best they could do? Really, someone should lose their job over this ad.

Personally, I agree with this quote from Slashdot: "If this is Microsoft's response to the 'I'm a Mac' ads, it should fold up its tent and tell the world to switch to Apple."

Now, if you really want to see a funny ad, go here.