

I read this today, and it made me stop and go "hmmm."
But now I understood Applebee's, which doesn't strive to inspire — it strives never to disappoint.

It comes from an article on Time's website.

I'm not sure of the application, yet, but I'm pretty sure of this: I want to strive to inspire. Striving to never disappoint seems too attainable, and too dull.


  1. I definitely want to inspire! But then, I'm into inspiring people regarding Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
    Applebees is about food. just food. it goes in one end and then out the other!
    In my mind, part of what it means to 'inspire' is to call people beyond where they presently are. It's to invite them to something (or someone) greater than themselves.
    At The Canopy, we've always sought to call people to something (being great in the Kingdom of God).
    Too many people are NOT called to much of anything in most churches and that's BORING and it's no threat to the devil!
    That said, it's not really our job to inspire people, because God needs to be the one who does that. Othewise we risk furthering the 'consumer' mindset of so many western Christians, who want to be fed and entertained in church.
    Jesus will feed, but unto a purpose.
    just my rambling thoughts....

  2. Good thoughts... even if they do ramble :^)

  3. I know this is late, and may not be caught by anyone but Eric, but I think it's worth writing here:

    We are called to inspire!

    We - the Church - are the Voice of God... when we listen. Here's what I believe is a MAJOR problem with where we are - we being the Canopy, Conservative Evangelicals, Westerners, whatever. We separate ourselve from God.

    The way we talk, teach, preach, live our lives, God is stil "out there"... He's "up there", or somewhere other than where we are. We don't really believe that we've been made new creations, raised up with Christ and seated at the Right Hand of the Father.

    Because we don't really believe we are fully redeemed - we're still sinners, right? - we don't want to do God's work. "It's His work! What business do we have doing it?" is what we think. Oh, we'll pray and ask and petition and beg Him to do His work; but, God forbid we do it for Him, we might - no we will - screw it up. We're just sinners saved from Hell, afterall.

    Ok... maybe I'll read the other Applebee's post before I get too worked up, here...

    Eric, thanks. I love your blog!
